First Grade
First grade is a wonderful transitional year for our students. They move from the play-days of kindergarten to the more structured, responsible, independence of the elementary grades. Reading is such a big part of our learning! We try to find as many ways and as many places to read as we can -from small groups at the reading table to individual reading at our desks or sharing a picture book together. In math, we cover all the important topics - adding, subtracting, measurement, time, money, shapes, fractions, problem solving. We like to challenge ourselves with sight word fluency, math facts speed drills, and spelling bonus words. All year long we collect samples of our work to include in a portfolio. Some of our highlights include our Grandparent music program, our trips to the Puppetry Arts Center and the Atlanta Zoo, and all our seasonal craft projects, poetry, and writing activities. First grade is a time for good school habits to start and great school memories to be made.
In addition to academics, your first grader will also participate in :
Bible (Weekly)
Bible classes are held three times a week. During this time, students are introduced to different choices made by Biblical characters with both good and bad results and how they can apply them to their relationships with family and friends.
Chapel (Weekly)
Students participate in chapel each Friday. During this time they have the opportunity to further strengthen their relationship with Jesus Christ through praise and worship time and Bible lessons presented in a fun, uplifting manner.
Physical Education (Weekly)
Students participate weekly in a physical education program that focuses on understanding the importance of and gaining an appreciation for physical fitness and life long wellness. Units include:
Developing Fitness Awareness
Rehearsing Sensorimotor Body Control Skills (catching, throwing, kicking)
Manipulative Object Control Skills (dribbling, catching rolled and fly balls, underarm throwing, etc…)
Creative Movement Skills (balance, stability, general space)
Combining all these skills and applying them in sport activities.
Art (Weekly)
Students participate in an art program that focuses on the basic principles (line, shape, form, color, value, texture, pattern) and elements (rhythm, balance, unity, variety, emphasis, proportion) of art. They gain an introductory knowledge of different artistic styles, an appreciation for the work of many famous artists, and an excitement in seeing their own creative work.
Music (Weekly)
Students participate in a music program that exposes them to many different styles of music, musical instruments, and reading music. It gives them an opportunity to express themselves through music. They also will participate in a musical production along with the second and third grade classes.
Library (Weekly)
Students participate in an instructional library program that introduces library etiquette and a love of reading. Students are encouraged to know authors and illustrators through read-alouds.