After School Program
The purpose of this program is to serve YACS families by providing quality educational, recreation, and social programs for students after the scheduled school day.
Hours and Days
The after school program will begin on the first day of school. It will start at 3:00pm and will end at 6:00pm. The program does not operate during weekends, school holidays or early release days.
Daily Schedule
The following schedule is a typical day for the After school Program. However, the schedule may vary slightly to accommodate the size of the program and grade level of students:
1. Attendance, restroom, and snack break (students provide own snack)
2. Physical Activity
3. Study time/homework
Program Fees
The following fee schedule will apply:
Daily program until 6:00 pm.
Cost: $12.00 a day
Late Fees: $1.00 per minute per child effective at 6:01pm.
Parents will be invoiced for any After School fees.
Student Release:
Parents are reminded to pick up their children by 6:00pm each day. Students are released only to persons who are authorized to pick them up as indicated on the enrollment application. Authorized persons must come to the front office to sign out the student. If someone other than the authorized persons listed on the enrollment application is going to pick up a student, prior written permission is required stating the name and telephone number of the person who will pick up the student. All persons picking up students may be required to present photo identification.