Fourth Grade
In fourth grade we cover everything from division to double digit multiplication, from immigration to illumination, from recorder recitals to Rembrandt renditions, and from character development to carnivorous digesters. Students begin to write short essays and papers using their continued learning of traditional English work such as verbs, nouns and predicates. Multiplication and division facts are a big deal in 4th grade. They have only begun in 3rd, and are assumed in 5th, but in 4th, we work to KNOW them backwards and forwards. We also do a lot of reading, 12 novels throughout the year. Our field trips including seeing a field -an insiders tour of the Atlanta Braves field. We get to travel to and travel on the trails at the Dauset Trails Learning Center. There is so much to learn and so little time to enjoy it all in 4th grade.
In addition to academics, your fourth grader will also participate in:
Bible (Three Times Weekly)
Bible classes are held three days a week. During this time, students will examine teachings of Jesus in the Gospels and learn to apply them to a fourth grade life. They will become more familiar with the Books of the Bible, their authors and their general theme.
Chapel (Weekly)
Students participate in chapel each Friday. During this time they have the opportunity to further strengthen their relationship with Jesus Christ through praise and worship time, Bible lessons presented in a fun, uplifting manner.
Physical Education (Weekly)
Students participate weekly in a physical education program that focuses on gaining an appreciation for and understanding the importance of physical fitness and life long wellness. Units include:
Developing Fitness Awareness
Team Sports (soccer, basketball, volleyball, etc…)
Creative Movement Skills (gymnastics, dance)
Art (Weekly)
Students participate weekly in an art program that focuses on the basic principles (line, shape, form, color, value, texture, pattern) and elements (rhythm, balance, unity, variety, emphasis, proportion) of art. They expand on their knowledge of different artistic styles, gain an appreciation for the work of many famous artists and enjoy the freedom and creativity in their own artwork.
Music (Weekly)
Students participate weekly in a music program that exposes them to many different styles of music, musical instruments, reinforces prior knowledge of reading music and gives them an opportunity to express themselves through music. During fourth grade they will also learn to play the recorder and will participate in a performance to show their newly learned skill.
Library (Weekly)
Students participate weekly in an instructional library program that introduces and reinforces library etiquette, strategies for finding information and a love of reading. They are encouraged to use the OPAC to explore informational and fiction books of many genres. In addition to hands-on learning activities, fourth graders may occasionally sit back and enjoy read-alouds.